Friday, December 23, 2005

the situation room

i am not happy with the current cnn lineup. way too much wolf blitzer, if you ask me. and while i know that anderson cooper is the guy, honestly i wish i had aaron brown back.

as if we didn't need further proof that we really do need regime change at home, the washington post has reported that sam alito supported wiretap immunity. kids, i can't make this shit up. you can read the article if you don't believe me. i'm just glad that the dems have finally started to stand up to bush and co. i would like an indictment for each night of hannukah. that would make it the most super holiday ever.

well, i managed to get all the gifts i needed. i had to be lame with a few of them and do e-gift certificates, but what can you do? i did not plan well for this holiday season.

i hope eric gets home soon. we are going for dinner and i'm ready to chew my arm off.

and for those that are curious, sascha is particularly farty today.

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