Wednesday, December 28, 2005


so, let me get this straight. a ramp worker bumped his little buggy into an alaska airlines plane, and didn't report it???

first off....hey douchebag, if you crash into the plane, perhaps you might want to let someone know about it!!!

second...i am a very skittish passenger. i'll admit it. i don't like to fly. i love to travel, but i hate getting on the plane. right before they call my section for boarding, i start eating xanax like pez. i am traveling to dallas next month, and then brussels in march. so just so i'm clear on this....a little goddamned bump in the side of the plane caused a loss of cabin pressure and an emergency landing? doesn't that seem extreme? i would think that it would take a little more than a bump or something. the slightest bit of turbulence and i'm gonna be snorting my xanax pills off my tray that is supposed to be kept in an upright position.

ps....a special thank you to princess sparkle pony for posting a comment on here. i bow at your sparkly hooves.


1 comment:

the Alpha John said...

Why is Sparkle Pony commenting on your blog and not mine? I am so hurt. I'm the one that got you snorting sparkle man. You had no vices before I turned you on to the rush of Condi hair alerts and photoshopped pictures of the press corps.