Sunday, April 22, 2007

i hate birds

so i come home from work on friday night and it looks like there are white paint spots on the floor and on the couch. i couldn't figure out what it was, so i cleaned it up and went to bed.

turns out the was a fucking bird in my goddamned house and it left presents everywhere.

how did it get in, you ask? well, apparently during the last storm, some of the siding on the house was damaged near the roof. birds are getting in through there, and one made it through the ductwork and came out in the office (the vent wasn't covered, long story, dont ask).

so now i have to get siding people to fix the house and check the attic to make sure there arent more birds or a fucking nest in there.

goddamned birds. i hate them.

fuck you, birds.

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